Beth and her husband, Todd, live with their family in Cincinnati, Ohio where they serve as Co-Executive Directors of Back2Back Ministries, an international orphan care ministry serving abandoned, orphaned, and impoverished children in Mexico, Nigeria, India, and Haiti. Between biological, foster, and adopted children, they have raised ten children.
A gifted story-teller, Beth is the author of Reckless Faith, Relentless Hope, Tales of the Not Forgotten, Tales of the Defended One, Tales of the Ones Led Out, Tales of the Ones He Won't Let Go, and Tales of the Never Left Alone.
Beth is the recipient of the 2013 International Network of Children's Ministry Legacy Award and the Cincinnati Christian University Salute to Leaders Award for the impact made on children internationally. She travels and speaks regularly at conferences, youth gatherings, and church services. Her style is based in story-telling, and she draws from her vast field experience as a missionary and parent of ten children for illustrations of biblical concepts.
Women attending the conference will easily see that Beth has a deep passion for Jesus. She is a fantastic communicator, teacher, and story-teller. As one person stated, "Some people just 'talk' about Him...but she knows Jesus!"
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